Průvodce / Guide

fotografická série
series of photographs

Role se obracejí, to, co se zrodilo jako reprezentace skutečnosti, se stalo jejím standardem a mírou. Ale málo, která skutečnost dokáže těmto standardům dostát – tím hůře pro ni.

Není vidět neočekávané.

Ve své podstatě je vše stejné, liší se jen forma, obsah zůstává stejný.

Unexpected is not visible.

In essence, everything is the same, only the form differs, the content remains the same.

The series entitled Guide 2005 is dedicated to the fiction and reality in photography and I tried to break the thin line between these two and visually communicate with them. If we are in a foreign country – like tourists, we often buy a guide. Guides are always drawn up according to the same schema. They prepare us for the things we should be interested in, the things we should look for and the things, which we should record by a camera.